Working together using this wiki
Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. We will use these pages to build up the case studies, reports and any other publications. This main page will be used to record dates of meetings, core project documents and the membership of the project. There are dedicated pages for each of the themes. You can easily see what people have changed, and edit all the text.
The CAMEL Model
The CAMEL Model (zip file too large to upload; please contact JISC infoNet if you require additional copies)
Understanding Our Practice
CAMEL final production proof.pdf
FINAL case studies by theme
Click on link below to view the case study template
Here is a downloadable Word version
case study template i1.doc
Project Documents
Project Reports
Draft report to JISC wiki version
Secondary Literature
I have added files in relation to: a) Data analysis and Research on E-learning in the UK (across Faculties etc.); b) Research Papers on how to use best the theory behind Case Studies. Both should be useful to people drafting the Introduction/Methodology/Outcomes and to people who summarise or improve on the Case Studies. All of the material is put in the Files section with the date 17/07/07 (Ref: Costas).
Comments (6)
Anonymous said
at 8:58 am on May 17, 2007
does the fact that the date of the workshop in July clashes with the HEA conference have an implication?
Anonymous said
at 5:05 pm on May 17, 2007
The Higher Education Academy thought that it would be a good idea to have the workshop immediately after the Annual Conference. We acknowledge that this date will not suit all project partners but hope that most will be able to attend. You will be most welcome to attend the workshop later in the month in Bristol. Much of the collaboration on the project will be using this wiki so no-one will be excluded from participating.
Anonymous said
at 1:57 pm on May 28, 2007
I still need to get agreement on the Bristol date, but I am hoping it will be on the 16th (evening) and 17th (day) of July. I realise that this doesn't leave much time for the final workshop. How does the 19th (evening) and the 20th (day) sound for this???
Anonymous said
at 1:59 pm on May 28, 2007
The last comment was from Steve Probert - I thought it would have just flagged that it was from me as I am logged in!
Anonymous said
at 10:57 pm on Jun 22, 2007
Has anybody else had problems editing these pages using Safari on Mac OS X? Any solution?
Anonymous said
at 5:02 pm on Jun 25, 2007
re: Mac OSX
Won't edit unless you use HTML within Safari but works using Firefox (mac OSx 10.4.10 with Firefox 2.0.04 on Intel imac)
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